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2022 - The Best Wedding Dates & Wedding Dates to Avoid
Dreaming of a 2022 wedding date, but have no idea when you should get married?
You aren’t alone! Although some brides and grooms know exactly when they want to get married, others have no idea where to even get started.
It’s an important decision too. No matter what date you choose, you will be celebrating that date for the rest of your lives!
Here are some of the best 2022 wedding dates, some of the worst dates, and other considerations you should take into account when you’re trying to decide when to get married this year.
Intimate Garden Wedding Ceremony: Over the Moon, Bride Standing on a Grand Staircase: Daria Lorman Photography, Reception Table Setting Featuring a Clock: Burgh Brides
Best Wedding Dates for 2022
Saturday is a traditional day to get married, and there are some great 2022 wedding dates on Saturday this year!
New Year’s Day happens to be on a Saturday (January 1, 2022), making it one of the best wedding dates in 2022. If you want to celebrate the New Year at midnight instead, wait until the end of the year when New Year’s Eve will be on a Saturday (December 31, 2022).
Dreaming of a summer wedding? The 4th of July happens to fall on a Monday, making for a long holiday weekend. Many brides and grooms will take advantage of the extra day off and have their wedding on July 2, 2022.
Of course, Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day weekend are popular times to get married. An extra day off makes it easy for out-of-town guests to attend your wedding. Not to mention, it also gives everyone an extra day to recover before returning to work. Get married on Saturday, May 28, 2022 or Saturday, September 3, 2022 to take advantage of the long holiday weekend
Never want to forget your wedding date? Get married on Wednesday, February 2, 2022 (2-2-22) or Tuesday, February 22, 2022 (2-22-22).
What is the best month to get married in 2022? Well, the most popular month to get married is October, with September and June coming in second and third. The weather is beautiful nearly anywhere you go in the United States during these months, which could mean they are the perfect choice for you if you’re hosting an outdoor wedding.
To recap, the best wedding dates for 2022 are:
- Saturday, January 1
- Saturday, December 31
- Saturday, July 2
- Saturday, May 28
- Saturday, September 3
- Wednesday, February 2
- Tuesday, February 22
- October, September, and June
2022 Wedding Dates to Avoid
Knowing some of the best dates to get married is important, but it’s also important to know which 2022 wedding dates to avoid!
It’s usually a good idea to avoid specific holidays, especially if members of your family or friends celebrate. You can bet you’ll have quite a few declined RSVPs and no-shows if you get married on Christmas or during Hanukkah, for example.
It’s a good idea to avoid Mother’s Day weekend (the second weekend in May in the United States) and Father’s Day weekend (the third weekend in June in the United States). Although your wedding date may not be on actual Mother’s or Father’s Day, it will be eventually. That can make celebrating your anniversary complicated if you are also trying to celebrate with a parent, if you’re mourning the loss of a parent, or when/if you and your partner become parents.
You should also avoid birthdays and anniversaries that are important to you, your family, and your friends. You might want to avoid your birthday or your partner’s birthday, a child’s birthday, or a friend’s birthday. You may not want to get married on your parents’ anniversary, or an important date in recent history, like September 11.
We did just say some of the best 2022 wedding dates are long holiday weekends, but it might also be the case that those are weekends you will want to avoid. Because they are so popular, prices for venues, food, and more can skyrocket. Not to mention, you’ll be celebrating your anniversary when many others are celebrating as well. It’s really all about your budget and your personal preferences.
To recap, the 22 wedding dates to avoid include:
- Specific holidays, like Christmas or Hanukkah
- Mother’s Day weekend
- Father’s Day weekend
- Birthdays and anniversaries
- Long holiday weekends, like Memorial Day and Labor Day
Other Considerations
Ultimately, the best and worst 2022 wedding dates are personal to you and your partner. If you are of Asian descent, you may want to consider auspicious wedding dates. These days are supposed to be among the luckiest for unions in Chinese culture. You and your partner can also look to numerology, a system of considering you and your partner’s birthdates, for inspiration on when to get married.
On the more practical side of things, you may simply want to consider when you, your family, and your friend’s are most available. For example, if your family loves football, you’ll want to avoid important game days in the fall. You’ll need to consider the availability of important amenities too. If you have your heart set on a popular venue, you may have to be flexible about your wedding date in order to get married there.
You should also think more broadly about the season. Some brides and grooms find celebrating an anniversary during the Christmas season to be stressful, while others may have one too many birthday’s to celebrate during the month of May, which could make buying birthday and anniversary gifts in the future difficult. It might be more fun for you and your partner to have your anniversary during a month when there are no other celebrations to compete with.
Your wedding date is a day you’re going to celebrate for the rest of your life! Make sure it’s a good one by taking the time to consider the best and the worst 2022 wedding dates before choosing the one for you.
To recap, other considerations include:
- Auspicious wedding dates
- Numerology
- Availability of friends and family
- Availability of important amenities
- What season you want to celebrate your anniversary